My nagini doll in ART DOLL QUARTERLY!

By “my,” I mean my commission from the extremely talented Divya Gupta of Sapphire Fantasy Arts. Divya is a sculptress living in India who is inspired by all things fantasy and creates one-of-a-kind dolls in incredible detail. So of course I turned to her for a nagini doll to shine inspiration through my dreaming room/writing space.

And just look at what she came up with! I remain in utter awe.


Even better, Art Doll Quarterly accepted Divya’s nagini sculpt for its mythological creatures challenge, and now this beautiful doll beams out from the winter 2017 issue (currently available in bookstores).


Isn’t that amazing? I love her so, and I’m delighted so many other people get to meet my nagini, too! Thank you, Divya, for such a gorgeous piece!

Shveta Thakrar